efficient power technologies

exm modules


Product description

The exm modu­le series offers easy to use plug and play solu­ti­ons for wire­less power trans­mis­si­on bet­ween a power trans­mit­ter (Tx) and a power recei­ver (Rx). In com­bi­na­ti­on with pro­prie­ta­ry data trans­mis­si­on, the sys­tems enable rapid con­trol of out­put varia­bles and par­al­lel trans­mis­si­on of customer-specific data. Furthermore, the trans­mis­si­on sys­tems are available with char­ging func­tion­a­li­ty as well as a bat­tery manage­ment sys­tem that detects the cur­rent sta­te of charge.

The trans­mis­si­on sys­tems com­ply with com­mon EMC stan­dards, which makes world­wi­de use possible.

Features exm10

Areas of use


Product description

The exm modu­le series offers easy to use plug and play solu­ti­ons for wire­less power trans­mis­si­on bet­ween a power trans­mit­ter (Tx) and a power recei­ver (Rx) with up to 60W. In com­bi­na­ti­on with pro­prie­ta­ry bidi­rec­tion­al data trans­mis­si­on, the sys­tems enable rapid con­trol of out­put varia­bles and par­al­lel trans­mis­si­on of customer-specific data. Furthermore, the trans­mis­si­on sys­tems are available with char­ging func­tion­a­li­ty as well as a bat­tery manage­ment sys­tem that detects the cur­rent sta­te of charge.

The trans­mis­si­on sys­tems com­ply with com­mon EMC stan­dards, which makes world­wi­de use possible.

Features exm60

Areas of use


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