etatronix GmbH
Werschweilerstraße 40
66606 St. Wendel
Represented by:
Dominik Huwig
Tel.: +49 6851 90 74 27 0
Fax: +49 6851 90 74 27 9
Registration in the commercial register
Registration Court: Amtsgericht Saarbruecken
Registration Number: HRB 101440
Value added tax-ID:
Value added tax-identification number corresponding to §27 a of german value added tax act:
VAT No.: DE293079674
Liability Notice:
The content and works on this website created by etatronix GmbH are subject to German copyright law. Insofar as not specified otherwise, all trademarks such as brands, type designations, logos and emblems on this website are protected under trade mark law. This website does not grant a licence for the use of the intellectual property of etatronix GmbH or third parties. The intellectual property contained is protected. etatronix GmbH makes every effort to provide truthful and complete information on its websites. The company assumes no liability or guarantee for the up-to-dateness, correctness or completeness of this information.
etatronix GmbH assumes no liability or guarantee for the content of websites of third parties to which there are direct or indirect links from this website. The respective provider or operator of the website is always responsible for the content of the linked sites. Following links to other websites is at the risk of the user, and any usage must take place in accordance with the respectively valid conditions of usage of the respective website. If we become aware of any legal infringements, such links will be removed immediately.
In the case of making contact, your personal data will be stored and processed in accordance with the German data protection regulations. Your data will be used exclusively for the purpose of processing contracts and your enquiries.
etatronix GmbH reserves the right to make changes or additions to the information provided without giving notice.