efficient power technologies

Press release Q2/2023

BACHMANN MOV:E relies on true-sine wave inverter and power management technology from etatronix.

etat­ro­nix, spe­cia­list for ­customer-specific ­bat­tery and power manage­ment sys­tems, deve­lo­ped the elec­tro­nic modu­le of the mobi­le ener­gy sto­rage MOV:E from BACHMANN, spe­cia­list for power dis­tri­bu­ti­on in offices, based in Stuttgart, Germany. MOV:E offers a CEE7/3 socket to plug in stan­dard AC powered office equip­ment and up to four USB‑A and USB‑C Fast Charging inter­faces. The true sine wave inver­ter tech­no­lo­gy from etat­ro­nix is ensu­res relia­ble ope­ra­ti­on of mains-powered elec­tro­nic devices. The USB‑A and USB‑C inter­faces as well as the char­ge con­trol­ler are based on designs deve­lo­ped by etat­ro­nix. Particular atten­ti­on was paid to sus­taina­bi­li­ty and ener­gy effi­ci­en­cy in the con­cep­ti­on and cir­cuit design. That’s why MOV:E was equip­ped with a replaceable 230Wh LiIon bat­tery. The inte­gra­ted bat­tery char­ger rech­ar­ges the bat­tery in less than 3 hours. The cir­cuit design of etat­ro­nix is very ener­gy effi­ci­ent. The effi­ci­en­cy in ope­ra­ti­on is grea­ter than 93%, in idle mode ener­gy con­sump­ti­on is redu­ced to a mini­mum by inte­gra­ted soft start and stand­by modes. Thanks to the com­pact power elec­tro­nics assem­bly, MOV:E mea­su­res only 19x23cm and wights just 1.5kg. In clo­se coope­ra­ti­on bet­ween BACHMANN and etat­ro­nix, a pro­duct was crea­ted that impres­ses with its simp­le, tim­e­l­ess design, effi­ci­en­cy and per­for­mance. The XXL ener­gy sto­rage MOV:E is “Made in Germany” and meets the hig­hest safe­ty requi­re­ments. MOV:E was award­ed the iF Design Award and the Design Plus Award at Light + Building 2022. 

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